
66% Jump In Home Starts In Clare In 2023

The number of new homes under construction in Clare increased by over 66% last year.

The latest figures from the Department of Housing’s Construction Activity Statistics report shows 563 commencement notices were issued to Building Control Authorities in relation to properties in this county last year.

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When a local authority such as Clare County Council receive information a person’s carrying out works on a building, they’re issued with a commencement notice.

There were 226 of such notices issued in this county in 2023, a 4% increase on the figures from the previous year and the highest total since 2019.

In addition, 17 of these commencement notices were issued in December.

In terms of residential construction activity in this county, 563 homes were started in 2023, the highest number in recent record.

35% of these starts will be short to medium term constructions as 197 single residential units were commenced.

Nationally, there were nearly 33,000 new housing commencement notices received last year, the highest figure on record.
