
59% Jump In Marriages In Clare Last Year

The number of marriage ceremonies that took place in Clare jumped by almost 59% in 2022.

The latest report from the Central Statistics Office shows a marked annual increase in the number of couples tying the knot across the county.

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Approximately 744 couples celebrated their marriage in Clare last year, representing a near 60% increase on the 467 newly weds in the county who tied the knot in 2021.

This increase is likely reflective of the lifting of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, where many couples took the decision to postpone their nuptial celebrations to facilitate a larger number of guests at a later date.

Over 54% of couples who celebrated their marriages in the Banner county last year did so in a Catholic ceremony, while a further 26% walked down the aisle in non religous functions.

Meanwhile 15% of those were joined in matrimony in Clare last year took part in Humanist or Spiritualist ceremonies, while the remaining 5% tied the knot in Civil and Church Of Ireland services.

The Banner county also saw a marked increase in same sex couples tying the knot here in the past year with the twelve who did so doubling 2021’s figures.

Overall just nine counties nationwide hosted more weddings than Clare in 2022.

