Clare County Council increased its social housing stock by over 7% in 2022.
The latest report from the National Audit and Oversight Commission shows that at the end of last year, the local authority had ownership of almost 2,900 homes.
The 2022 Performance Indicator Report by the NOAC shows that that Clare County Council owned 2,670 properties last January.
During the course of the year the local authority beefed up its social housing stock by acquiring and constructing an additional 200 units.
However after selling ten of these, the final tally in December of 2022 came in at 2,860 homes.
Of those, 3.08% were vacant, meaning 88 homes were lying idle at the end of last year.
The report shows that the average time to re-let a social house here is just below 35 weeks and comes at an average cost of €20,738 to the local authority.
Clare County Council spent approximately €1,240 per house on maintenance last year, while 60% of adults availing of emergency accommodation in the county were recorded as long-term homeless.
Just two homes under council ownership were shceduled for demolition last year, while only 12% of new buildings notified to the local authority were inspected last year, which was the fifth lowest rate in the country.
In a statement to Clare FM, Clare County Council has said the data contained in the report is known and the council will examine areas in need of improvement.
Statement from Clare County Council
“Clare County Council welcomes the publication of the NOAC Local Authority Performance Indicator Report 2022. The report was compiled with the assistance of local authorities.
The data in the report is historic and already known to Clare County Council and its various departments, as the Council monitors performance on an ongoing basis in order to react and improve services.
The report examines 44 indicators across 11 separate areas and is evidence of the vast range of activities local authorities are engaged in.
The report identifies areas where Clare County Council has good practice and areas where there are opportunities for improvement as well as areas outside the control of the local authority. Clare County Council is continually seeking to innovate in the wide range of services it delivers. The Council will take the report on board and examine areas where improvement is needed.