There has been a 30% increase in the number of anti-social behaviour complaints made in Clare’s social housing estates so far this year.
New figures show over 200 complaints have been lodged with the local authority since January.
To date this year , 234 complaints of anti-social behaviour have been made to the council’s Estate Management Team, which is 50 more than the amount received during the same period of 2023.
The team is planning to carry out 2,000 extensive inspections of local authority housing this year in relation to general
upkeep of properties and refuse collection and so far 756 inspections have been completed.
The council’s Tenancy Enforcement Team meanwhile claim to have a very visible presence to manage and mitigate complaints of anti-social behaviour, having carried out 288 patrols of housing estates and traveller sites in the last month.
In this time 10 tenancy notifications or warnings were issued, while ten households were referred to tenancy support services including TUSLA.
While four sets of keys were collected from casual vacancies, which can arise when an occupant passes away or moves out.
There are currently 67 vacant properties across the local authority’s housing stock, 11 of which are designated for traveller accommodation.