
20 New Homes To Be Built In Bunratty

20 new homes are set to be built in a south Clare village.

Following initial concerns around the level of noise on the proposal site, planning permission has been granted for the construction of the residential development in Bunratty.

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The 20-unit estate in Bunratty West will consist of 10 semi-detached houses, six detached homes and four duplexes.

Arnold Leahy Architects submitted a planning application for the development on October 18th 2024 on behalf of its client Bunratty Acquisitions Limited.

On December 12th however, Clare County Council requested that the applicant carry out a Site Noise Risk Assessment and prepare an Acoustic Design Statement due to concerns that “noise levels on the proposal site may result in a reduced level of residential amenity for future occupiers”.

With this information submitted on December 18th, the local authority has granted planning permission for the development subject to 25 conditions.

Among these is the stipulation that all recommended noise mitigation measures are implemented in full “in the interest of provision of a good level of residential amenities”.

It’s also stated that construction works must take place between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 2pm on Saturdays, with no works to be carried out on Sundays or public holidays.
