
13% Increase In Spend On Optical Care For Medical Card Holders In Clare

There’s been a more than 13% increase in the amount spent on providing optical care to medical card holders in Clare.

The HSE paid over €63,000 to opticians in the banner this September to treat medical card patients.

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A total of €63,517 was paid out by the HSE to cover optical claims in this county in September.


This is a 13% increase on the €55,566 forked out in the same month in 2021.

The number of medical card patients in Clare who received treatment this September increased by 16% on the same month last year rising from 1,433 to 1,689.

Of the nearly 1,700 people who were seen by an optician in the banner the month before last, nearly 1,400 were adults.

260 children and 30 teens also had their sight checked.

709 appointments this September were eye examinations, while 980 visits were to pick up optical appliances like glasses.
