
12% Drop In Homes Built In Clare Since Same Time Last Year

There’s been a 12% drop in the number of homes built in Clare since this time last year.

Figures released by the CSO show that 154 dwellings have been completed in the county in the first half of 2020.

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There were 175 homes built in Clare in the first half of 2019, with that figure falling by 12% to 154 in the first half of this year.

However, nationally, the drop is much higher, suggesting Clare has bucked the trend – there was a drop of almost 32% in homes built across the country in the same period, which the CSO says is as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in March.

Nearly two thirds of all houses built in Clare were single houses, with the remaining builds consisting of scheme dwellings and apartments.

Interestingly, the emphasis on building apartments in this county is on the rise, with 16 built in the first half of this year alone despite the pandemic – that’s as many as 2017 and 2018 combined.

Only the Midlands and Border areas had less homes built than the Midwest area this quarter, with the biggest fall in completion in April, during the height of lockdown.

In total, just over 6.5% of homes built nationally in the last three months have been in the Midwest – with just over 2% of the national total built in Clare.
