1 in 10 applications to the Government’s Restart Grant scheme in Clare were rejected last year.
The initative, which was open for applications last year, was designed to help small businesses with the costs of reopening after the first COVID-19 lockdown.
The Restart Grant, which had a total pool of 633 million euro, was available to businesses with a total turnover of less than 5 million euro and employing 50 people or less.
The government stated it was a contribution towards the cost of reopening or keeping a business operational and re-connecting with employees and customers.
Businesses here were required to apply for the grant through Clare County Council between May and October of 2020.
Minimum payments of €2,000 and maximum payments of €10,000 were on offer.
Data released through the Oireachtas shows 3,185 separate applications were made to the scheme in this county.
333 of those were rejected, though reasons why aren’t supplied by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
Of the 2,852 applications that were approved, their value exceeded 15 million euro, or just shy of 2 and a half percent of the national funding pot.