ISPCC Volunteer Encourages Support For Childline This Christmas

Photo (c) Clare FM Peter Flanagan

On Tuesday’s Morning Focus, Alan was joined by Peter Flanagan who is a Newmarket-on-Fergus native and is currently a volunteer with the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC). Peter discussed his past experiences and the support he was given when he called Childline as a teenager. Peter also recalled the email he received as a college student which motivated him to become a volunteer. He highlighted his aim to inspire people to do what he did and become a volunteer and he urged members of the public to donate to the ISPCC ahead of the Christmas period.
To support Childline this Christmas, please visit or call the fundraising team on 0818 50 40 50.
The Childline number is 1800 66 66 66.

You can listen to the full interview below.