Inagh-Kilnamona And O’Callaghan’s Mills Set For Crunch Clare SHC Tie

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Inagh-Kilnamona can take a huge step toward reaching the knockout stages of the Clare senior hurling championship this weekend.

Eugene Cullinan’s side will be looking to build on an impressive opening round win over Kilmaley when they take on last years beaten finalists O’Callaghan’s Mills on Sunday.

A strong second half showing saw the Combo edge out their neighbours last weekend, with county stars David Fitzgerald, Aiden McCarthy and Jason McCarthy all prominent in the victory.


Cullinan says there were plenty positives to build on ahead of their second round tie

Meanwhile O’Callagan’s Mills boss Donach O’Donnell feels it is important his side refocus quickly as they look to keep their hopes of progression alive.

The East Clare men lost out to Clonlara last weekend, and know that a second successive defeat would leave them with an uphill battle to reach the quarter finals.

O’Donnell is confident they will be ready for what is in store