Over €33m Issued To 5,670 Clare Farmers Under BISS and CRISS Schemes

Photo (c) TheDigitalArtist from Pixabay via canva.com

Over €33.3 million has been paid out to Clare farmers under the Basic Income Support for Sustainability (BISS) and Complementary Redistribution of Income Support for Sustainability (CRISS) schemes this year.

BISS is a direct income support to farmers, while CRISS is a measure designed to progress a fairer distribution of payments.

The commencement of balancing payments brings the total paid under the 2023 Scheme to 749 million euro with 113,911 farmers now in receipt of a payment under this scheme, 5,670 of those in Clare.

€264 million in total has been issued to farmers this week, in the form of a balancing payment.