Adult Homelessness In Clare Up 20% In A Year

The number of homeless adults in Clare has risen by nearly 20% in the last year.

The Department of Housing’s most recent Homeless Report has revealed that almost 70 adults in this county were availing of emergency accommodation from the 19th to the 25th of September.

A total of 68 adults were recorded as homeless in Clare last month which is up just three on last month, representing an increase of 5%.


However, compared to the figures for the same month last year, it indicates a rise of 20%.

Across the Midwest region, adult homelessness has risen by 6% with 411 recorded as availing of emergency accommodation in September.

Meanwhile, child homelessness has seen a drop of almost 24% with 137 children in Clare and Limerick residing in homeless services last month compared to 180 in the same month in 2022.

Similarly, the number of homeless families in the Midwest has dropped from 91 last year to 87 this year, representing a decrease of just over 4%.

Nationally however, the number of children living in emergency accommodation has soared to an all-time high of 3,904, while the overall number of people homeless in this country has increased by 136 to 12,827.