On The Afternoon Show today Gavin Grace was joined by Miriam O’Neill of AA Ireland following their reports that 43% of drivers won’t claim following a crash. Female drivers are more likely to submit claim following a crash. More than 40% of drivers in Ireland won’t make a claim to their motor insurance provider following a crash the AA has learnt following a poll of over 7,500 motorists. Among the main reasons cited by drivers for not claiming were a desire not to affect their no claims discount, fear that their premiums would sky rocket and a belief that the cost of the repairs were too low to make a claim financially viable. A small handful of others simply admitted they didn’t want the hassle.
Michelle Greene is the Project Manager with the SMILE Resource Exchange. SMILE Resource Exchange encourages the exchanging of resources between its members in order to save money, reduce waste going to landfill and to develop new business opportunities. Potential exchanges are identified through networking events, an online exchange facility and a support team to assist throughout. The initiative is project managed by Macroom E and supported by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Limerick Clare Kerry Regional Waste Management Office and Limerick County and City Enterprise board. For more information you can log onto www.smileexchange.ie
Michael Meagher is the Academic Programme Manager with Microsoft Ireland. Science Week 2012 runs from the 11th – 18th of November. Microsoft Ireland employees are touring the country to deliver ‘Inspiring Careers Talks’ to highlight the opportunities available in the technology sector. The Microsoft Science Week Road show will visit Colaiste Mhuire, Ennis Community College, Rice College and St Flannan’s in Ennis on Thursday November 15th to deliver their talk to the students there. Clare FM’s Máire Moynahan spoke to Michael about Science week, the need for science and ICT graduates and the opportunities available for graduates.
Aidan Courtney is the Editor of Coimici Gael – an Irish language comic which is published here in Clare. The comic “RiRa” is on its fourth issue and is targeted at all ages. The comic has now been selected for national distribution through newsagents countrywide. The latest edition features cover art by Alma Ryan and the new issue also features the talents of Bob Byrne, Alan Nolan, Philip Barrett, Maeve Clancy, Alma Ryan, Alan Ryan, Stephen Downey, Elida Maiques, Fintan Taite and Davy Francis who have contributed to it.
Matthew Carroll is a Veteran of the Vietnam War and native of Virginia, USA. He joined Gavin in studio to talk about remembering those lost in wars. Matthew is one of many war veterans that visit Co. Clare and Ireland annually. Matthew spends 8 to 9 weeks in Ennis every year for the past 12 years. He is third generation Irish – his grandfather was a native of Thurles. Matthew and the other veterans who regularly visit Clare are in talks with the local authorities to erect a memorial to the Irish war dead, of which it’s estimated there was 2,500. Matthew feels the memorial would be a fitting tribute to those Irish men and women who lost their lives in service. Brian O’Neill of the Ennis Chamber of Commerce also discussed the proposal and how he feels about it in terms of business and tourism in the town.
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