We may not have been there (invite must have gotten lost), but here is a list of the Winners from this years ceremonies.
Best Film – The Artist
Best Actor – Jean Judardin (The Artist)
Best Actress – Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady)
Best Supporting Actor – Christopher Plummer (Beginners)
Best Supporting Actress – Octavia Spencer (The Help)
Best Director – Michel Hazanavishus (The Artist)
Both The Artist & Hugo each took home 5 Oscars, with The Artist taking home the more prestigious titles.
Outside on the red carpet, Sasha Baron Cohen yet again made the headlines, as he dumped ashes over Red Carpet Host, Ryan Seacrest’s Tuxedo.
Seacrest Out?
Ryan Seacrest Meets The Dictator (Sasha Baron Cohen)… + Kim Jong Ill