
Morning Focus – Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Morning Focus began with a look at the number of homeless people in Clare. New figures have laid bare the amount of homeless people that are currently in Clare and it’s somewhere around the 300 mark. Well into winter now and the days are only getting colder this is obviously very distressing. Gavin was joined on the line by Jackie Bonfield, General Manager at Midwest Simon.


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There've been calls for action to re-assure the public over infection control at the region's main hospital. UL Hospital's groups has admitted there is a "particular problem" with drug-resistant bugs in the Midwest, with 92 cases of CRE detected between 2009 and May 2015. It comes following claims from a whistleblower that more than 2 dozen people have died at University Hospital Limerick after being infected with so-called superbugs. The hospital is looking for funding to build a new 96-bed isolation unit for patients with superbugs. Paul Burke from UHL joined Gavin on the line.


A report on Ireland's record of symphisiotomies claims 34 million Euro has been paid out to victims. Awards of €50,000, €100,000 or €150,000 were given to 399 successful claimants. Many of the women were elderly – with the majority aged over 75 years. Marie O’Connor, Chairperson of Survivors of Symphysiotomy, joined Gavin on the line.


Listeners might remember that we spoke earlier this month (Nov. 7) about the housing waiting list here in Clare. The latest figures reveal there are 2,314 approved applicants for social housing support this county. While the numbers are down slightly, they're not showing real signs of abating. When we raised the issue, we got a call from Tina. Tina sold her house to Clare County Council. She says they told her it was 'urgently' needed for social housing. She got in touch with Morning Focus to voice her concern at the fact that, 5 months after the sale, it still hadn't been assigned to a tenant. She was also puzzled at the amount of work the council was doing to the house, which Tina believed was already in perfect condition.


Next up we had abortion. Pope Francis is extending the power to forgive abortion. It was previously a right reserved for bishops or special confessors – but now all Roman Catholic priests will be able to do it. Bishop Fintan Monahan from the Diocese of Killaloe joined Gavin on the line.


Now in an ever more online world it’s important to remain safe and secure. Many people have no idea how to spot malicious activity online, particularly when it’s in an email. Well my next guest is here to help you, Graham Mulhern, owner of the company BeSecureOnline. They’ve just released an e-book which covers all aspects of staying safe online. Graham joined Gavin on the line.


Next up we turned back to Donald Trump. Trump continues to make headlines and this time it’s due to him announcing his first act of office. He has confirmed that he will be sticking to his pledge that he will pull the US out of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal with the Asian Pacific Rim countries. What this means for us remains to be seen. Gavin was joined on the line by Pheilim O’Neill, Markets Specialist with the Farmer’s Journal.


Next we had a brave girl doing a parachute jump for cystic fybrosis. Clodagh King, a young Cystic Fybrosis sufferer is looking to give back to the charity that has helped her so much. In this aim she’s going to do a parachute jump to raise money for the charity, she joined Gavin on the line to tell us more.


Next we had a father and daughter duo who have come together to publish their second book. Historopedia is a book of Ireland’s history for young and old that takes you step by step, era by era through our wonderful Island’s story. It’s got something for everyone even including some of Irelands magic and myth. Kathi ‘Fatti’ Burke, a Dublin-Based Illustrator, and her father John Burke, a retired primary school teacher, joined Gavin on the line.


For all those interested in the martial arts, get excited. The Global Karate Championships 2017 are set to host in Limerick. It’s expected there will be 1,500 competitors and the Championship will cover a period of 10 days. Gavin got the chance to speak with Noel Casey, head instructor for the Japan Karate Association Ireland.


Next we had the story of one Clare woman who through helping her daughter plant vegetables in the garden, founded a hugely successful business idea. Green Little Fingers encourages parents and children to take to the garden together by providing them with the tools they need, Aine Purcell the woman behind the idea will be showing it off at the Craft and Designs Fair in the RDS from November 30th.


And to finish the show we had John Underhill from Burren Vets.
