New VAT rates and how they are being implemented were the topic up for discussion on Wednesday’s Morning Focus
John Cooke spoke with Dermot Jewell, Chief Executive of the Consumers’ Association of Ireland – the CAI has dubbed the claims of some supermarkets that they won’t pass on VAT rate increases as a marketing ploy as most food products don’t incur the tax
David Fitzsimons – Chief Executive of Retail Excellence Ireland – discussed these comments by the CAI and retailers responsibilities with regard to VAT increases.
Transport Minister Leo Varadkar has confirmed that long awaited funding for the Doolin Coastgaurd centre would not be made available this year but definitely will be during the current Capital Expenditure Programme (2014)
They are one of the busiest stations in the country and is in dire need of expansion – planning permission was granted after they secured land for a new facility
Mattie Shannon of the Doolin Unit of the Irish Coastguard reacted to the announcement.
The Kilkee Swim Gym Ltd. is a community business effort to provide a fitness community centre with facilities such as a swimming pool, sauna, steam room and a professionally equipped gym – providing 5 jobs initially
There are also a number of treatment rooms fitted out to provide space for other therapist in the area to start up their business
They will reopen the former Sentosa swimming pool and Gym complex on the Kilrush Rd next Monday
They are seeking new investors in the business to try and keep the cost of borrowing down- this is more about providing a service for the West Clare community and a work space than profit
There is an open day for anyone interested in either membership or shareholding on Sunday 8th January from 12 to 4pm
Cillian Murphy- Director of Kilkee Swim Gym Ltd.- had a word about the community effort- Contact 065 9083771.
Have your say in our online poll:
What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2012:
• Diet and exercise – 52%
• Give up smoking – 4%
• New hobbies – 9%
• Better budgeting/ Saving money – 34%
Making a resolution to reassess your drinking habits on January 1st can seem like an easy decision after a hectic party season. However, making this resolution last past those January blues is the tough part
Knowing the reason why you want to drink more responsibly will really help you to stay focused. Maybe you want to get fitter, save money or you may be worried about how alcohol is affecting your relationships
Committing your resolution and reasons to paper will help keep you on track
The online Drinks Diary and Calculator on the website is a useful tool for anyone looking to reassess their drinking habits
The Diary allows registered users to track how many standard drinks they’re consuming, as well as calculate the cost and calories of drinks
The diary also provides feedback and recommendations based on the number of drinks inputted
Fionnuala Sheehan of explained.
Celia Holman Lee, Fashion Expert and Limerick City Model Agent joined John to discuss what’s on trend and tips for frugal fashion for 2012
Is style suffering in the recession and have people’s priorities changed with regard to their spending habits?
Are people still spending the same on their wedding day and just waiting longer to get married?
The Mid West Bridal Exhibition takes place this weekend in the UL Sports Arena
It will include Midwest exhibitors, fashion shows and bridal talks.
Paul Wolfe of the Clare Citizens’ Information Service joined John to advise listeners as to their social welfare entitlements and consumer and employment law.
If you’ve a story for the Morning Focus team email [email protected]