
Morning Focus Wednesday April 11

The Education Minister told delegates at the INTO conference in Killarney yesterday that small schools can’t stand still or be immune from cuts
A fifth of Clare’s national schools are set to lose teachers this September on foot of measures announced in the budget, while local teaching representatives have warned  that up to 60 Clare schools will be destabilized
Ruairi Quinn -who was heckled by some teachers during his address –  said that the Government recognises that rural schools are an important part of society but added that it did not mean that their staffing levels can never change
Speaking after his address, Minister Quinn said the angry response was just a normal reaction from a trade union conference – and he said parents in rural areas should not be worried about their children’s education
On Wednesday’s Morning Focus John Cooke spoke with Sean McMahon, Clare INTO representative and Mullagh NS Principal about the issues raised.

Aine Lynch – CEO of the National Parents Council Primary – spoke with John about the recommenations made by the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in primary schools that radical changes must be made to the way religion is taught in Ireland
It says around fifty schools should be divested from the Catholic church – and all other schools should become more diverse in their teachings
It says ‘faith formation’ should be taught outside of school hours – and the displaying of religious artefacts should not be exclusive to one faith.

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Concerned Residents of Stonehall and Environs are campaigning against the proposed rezoning of Stonehall by Clare County Council
Clare County Council is set to vote on the Shannon and Environs Plan, including the rezoning of this land, at it’s monthly meeting next week
Representatives in the area are split on the proposals, but one of those in favour of the move says the project has the potential to act as a major economic driver for the area
They formed a committee at a special meeting last night
John was joined in studio by Chairperson Brian McInerney from Clenagh- Newmarket on Fergus, Tina O’Brien Stonehall – Committee member and Sean O’Callaghan from Clenagh – Committee member who explained the concerns of the community. 

Titanic collided with an iceberg at 11.40pm on 14th April 1912 and sank at 2.20am on 15th April 1912, with the loss of 1,500 lives
In the 100 years since the disaster, many myths have developed which have clouded the truth of what really happened
Tim Malton – Titanic Historian and Author- has produced a documentary to mark centenary of Titanic airs  on National Geographic this week
Today is the National Day of Commemoration – commemoration in Cobh
John spoke with Tim on the anniversary of the ship departing from it’s final stop.

Chris Quin of the Clare Anti Household Charge Campaign had a word ahead of a public meeting tonight in Ennis at the Templegate at 8pm
They want to urge people who haven’t paid their Household Charge to hold tight
New figures released yesterday show just over 890,000 homeowners in Ireland registered to pay the household charge
The deadline to pay the €100 tax was March 31, and therefore anyone who now pays will be subject to a fine
Between 1.6 and 1.8 million households in the country are liable to pay the charge.

Last year hundreds of parents lobbied politicians for improvement in paediatric diabetes services
There are about 300 children with diabetes in the Mid-West region; about 90 of whom live in Co. Clare
Following the campaign, a proposal seeking more nursing and dietetic support hours was accepted by the HSE to help hospitals offer insulin pump treatment to children with type 1 diabetes
Dr Anna Clarke of Diabetes Ireland discussed.

Flan Carmody’s son spent time in Crumlin Children’s Hospital and since then Flan has been fundraising for them
This Sunday there is a walk beginning at the Square in Kilrush
Sponsorship cards have been circulated but if people want to come along on the day and donate
Last year they raised 10,000 euro for Crumlin Children’s Hospital
Flan says he is always astounded at the generosity of Irish people – even in difficult times and that Ireland is a great country to support charities.

Paul Wolfe of Clare Citizens’ Information Service joined John to answer listeners’ social welfare, employment and consumer law queries.

If you have a story, comment or query for the Morning Focus team email [email protected]

