Today on Morning Focus we heard from an Ennis man who is living in Wuhan, the Chinese city which is the origin of the Coronavirus.
Austria, Croatia and Switzerland have also reported their first cases of the virus, as authorities in Italy try to slow the spread of the illness, however, Italy insists its neighbours won’t be closing their borders. Liam is living in the heart of Wuhan, the Chinese city which is the origin of the deadly virus.
If you missed it, you can listen back below:
To open the show, Fr Brendan Quinlivan, Tulla priest, Killaloe Diocese spokesperson joined us in studio to talk about Lent. As today is Ash Wednesday for Christians, it’s the start of a period of reflection and prayers, that continues for six weeks until Holy Thursday. But for many of us Lent might be associated with giving up chocolate, cigarettes or drink – perhaps more a personal challenge than a religious one. Fr Quinlivan told us what Lent is exactly and its purpose on the Church calendar.
Next on the show, we were joined on the line by Springfield resident, Gerardine Quinlivan as she updates us on the flooding situation in Clonlara. Following that, IFA Chair, Tom Lane joined us on the line to discuss the issue further and to tell us his concerns regarding te flooding situation in the county.
Next on the show, we discussed how the HSE is hailing the legacy of Laura Brennan, revealing how it has had a resounding impact in Clare and across the country. 90% of first year boys and girls in this county availed of the first dose of the vaccine in September, months after the young Enniswoman died last March at the age of 26. That’s higher than the overall national rate of around 80%, which itself is a huge increase from the 50% figure that was recorded before Laura began her campaign. As school vaccination teams now return to secondary schools to offer the second dose of the vaccine, the HSE says the increase is a “testament to Laura’s selfless advocacy and the continuing work of the Brennan family.” Laura’s brother, Kevin joined us on the line to talk further about lauras legacy and the positive impact it has had not only in Clare but in the country.
You can listen back below:
Then on Morning Focus, our Book Club returned as we reviewed Minor Monuments by Ian Maleney with Cora Gunter and Catherine O’Brien of Clare County Library Service. We also talked about the Book Club Festival and the National Library Open Day which takes place this Saturday the 29th of February.
If you missed it, you can listen back below:
Mick Kelly, Head of ECAS Service with BT Ireland joined us on the line next to discuss the background to emergency calls, to make us more familiar with how that 112 or 999 calls are handled and who looks after them. The Emergency Call Answering Service, or ECAS has been handled by BT since July 2010.
To finish up today’s Morning Focus we were joined in studio by John Underhill of Burren Vets for this week’s Ask The Vet slot.
If you missed it, you can listen back below: