On today’s Morning Focus John Cooke spoke to Clare farming representatives about the IFA Day of Action which, takes place today in Dublin. Andrew Dundass is the Chairman of Clare IFA and he spoke to the show while en route to the protest, as did IFA member Michael Lynch. Up to 10-thousand people are expected to march on the Dail later – in protest at European proposals which could see Ireland’s CAP allocation slashed by as much as 30 percent. The Irish Farmers Association says Ireland’s CAP budget for the next 7 years is under serious pressure – and it’s calling on the government to negotiate harder for Irish farmers. Currently, the farming sector in Ireland gets 1.6 billion euro a year from the CAP budget – and the IFA wants that level maintained until 2020. IFA President John Bryan says cutting Ireland’s CAP allocation will result in job losses in the agri-sector. There is also concern amongst many farmers that the payment of farm grant payments is very slow this Autumn.
Margaretta D’Arcy is a Writer, Playwright and Peace Activist who made headlines at the weekend. The 78 year old Galway resident was arrested for trespassing on the runway at Shannon Airport on Sunday. Margaretta was protesting to mark the 11th anniversary of the War in Afghanistan. She also scattered some of the ashes of her late Husband John Arden on the runway. She spoke to John Cooke about her motivations. In repsonse to Margaretta’;s interview many listeners called Clare FM to voice their concerns over her actions. Ann Smith from Ennis spoke to John directly, she and her husband David were on one of the flights that was disrupted by Margaretta. She says she was outraged by her actions. Another caller – Marie also spoke to John to say that she was in complete disagreement with how Margaretta undertook her protest.
Also on today’s show;
Our weekly Free Legal Advice feature focussed on the topic of child maintenance payments. Mairead Doyle of Michael Houlihan and Partner’s Solicitors in Ennis discussed how much you get, arrears, enforcement and bench warrants.
Brendan Smith is an Education & Community Outreach Officer with the Digital Enterprise Research Institute at NUI Galway. Brendan is a guest speaker at a special meeting tonight and will talk about the benefits of getting communities online. Clare Local Development Company wants to make it easier for 10 lucky Co. Clare communities to get online by giving them the chance to be trained and mentored by world leaders in “Digitising Communities Online”. Selection of the communities will take place at a meeting in the Woodstock Hotel, Ennis tonight from 7 – 10pm.
Frankie Coote, the Clare ISPCA Warden also advised on the proper care of animals and today highlighted incidents of dogs loose in towns.
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