
Morning Focus Thursday October 25

Clare’s government representatives are being urged to lobby the Justice Minister to lift  the recruitment embargo on Gardaí as falling numbers have put further stations here at risk  of closure
At a joint policing committee meeting in Kildysart earlier this weThe county’s Chief 
Superintendent John Kerin said at a public joint committee meeting in Kildysart on Monday  that he expects several stations to be shutdown when the Garda Commissioner unveils his  policing plan in the coming months due to the huge fall in officer numbers over the past  two years
However despite this crime figures in the county continue to fall while detection rates 
here are higher than the national average

On Thursday’s Morning Focus Marian Egan spoke with Fine Gael Deputy Pat Breen about the issue of policing and calls from FLAC for more speed and transparency in dealing with social welfare appeals

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Last week Deputy Breen returned from a visit to Sierra Leone with a delegation from the  Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade
They visited the African country from 14th-17th October to see the work of Irish Aid and 
the impact of its programme there
Deputy Breen also commented on local government reform and Minister Phil Hogan’s decision 
to abolish town councils.

The personal cancer stories of four well known Clare men have helped to achieve a national medial award for Clare FM
Morning Focus Presenter JC was presented with an Irish medical medial award at a ceremony 
in Dublin last night for a series of interviews entitled Cancer Man to Man
The entry features hurling legend Ger Loughnane, Sixmilebridge Priest Father Harry Bohan, 
former Mayor of Clare Pat Hayes and Miltown Malbay Businessman Tony Cogan as they recounted their own experiences of cancer and encourage health awareness among other men.

Sponsored by Glaxo Smithcline the awards recognise outstanding contributions in the field  of health related journalism and accepting the prize Clare FM’s John Cooke spoke with Marian from Dublin and paid tribute to those who made the award possible.

Marian had a word with the Independent North West MEP and also Brigid Barron, Innovation &  Programme Manager – Caring for Carers who was in Brussels last week at a meeting of the  European Parliament Carers Interest Group organised and chaired by Independent MEP Marian  Harkin, Clare Carers backed calls for the government to retain the half-rate Carers  Allowance
Clare Carers Brigid Barron, Catherine Lee, Cora Long, Noel Power, Mary McDermott and 
Geraldine Power also urged the government in its forthcoming budget to put in place a transition payment for Carers whose duties are completed
See or call 065 68 66 515.

This week is European Week for Health and Safety
Whether it’s a large corporation or a small, self-employed operator, the HSA is trying to 
raise awareness of the importance of Health and Safety in the workplace
Martin Halloran, CEO of the Health and Safety Authority, had some good insights into common 
areas of concern, misconceptions, hints and tips.  

On today’s Grow it Yourself slot Evan Talty of Wild Irish SeaVeg, Quilty discussed uses for  Seaweed in the Garden
Regional GIY Champion Carmen Cronin was also in studio to speak about events upcoming for
GIY groups in Ennis, Ennistymon, Miltown Malbay, Kilrush, Newmarket on Fergus and Scarriff.

The Shinty International Festival is taking place this weekend- Clare is getting ready to host the biggest sporting weekend of the year with the international shinty matches  tournament in the county taking place

Sean Chaplain, Clare GAA Games Promotion Officer, was in studio along with Chairperson of the Shinty Organising Committee Flan Garvey who explained the celebration of cultural and  sporting festivities
There will be free admission to all games and events taking place all weekend

The game of Shinty is derived from the same root as the Irish games of hurling but has  developed different rules and features
It’s a team game played with sticks and a ball and now played mainly in the Scottish 
Highlands and amongst Highland immigrants in the big cities of Scotland 

Katherine O’Loughlin, Manager of the Irish Shinty Team explained that Friday sees the u21hurling/shinty game at 7pm which will see Clare seniors Seadna Morey and Tony Kelly line out for their country

Chairperson of the Clare Camogie Chairperson Orla Considine spoke about the huge day for Clare Camogie coming up on Saturday
It’ll be a day for all Camogie fans across the county as President Michael D. Higgins will 
officially open Fr McNamara park at half time in the Camogie shinty international
Following that there is a parade to Cusack Park before the men’s senior international at 

If you have a story, comment or query for the Morning Focus team email [email protected]
