Inspectors from the Health and Safety Authority are expected to visit a West Clare farm today where an elderly man lost his life at the weekend
74 year old Michael O’ Dea died after being kicked by a cow on his land at
Clun-eena in Cree on Saturday morning
Its understood the 74 year old and his son Eddie were dosing a newborn calf when the cow turned on them and firstly attacked the younger man
Mr O’ Dea managed to rescue him but was then fatally injured by the animal
A post-mortem was carried out yesterday and both Kilrush Gardai and the HSA are investigating the farm death
Local councillor Bill Chambers say the whole community is stunned by the accident
On Monday’s Morning Focus Cooraclare Councillor Bill Chambers and Martin McMahon of the Clare ICMSA sympathised with the family.
Taoiseach Enda Kenny visited Loophead Lighthouse on Friday to officially reopen the tourist attraction for the Summer season
This will create 15 jobs for West Clare – John Cooke was there to meet him.
Joe McGinley, the Taoiseach’s Uncle, was amongst the members of Enda Kenny’s extended family at Loophead on Friday
The lighthouse was where Joe was born in April 1934 – as his father James McGinley was stationed there
78 years later Joe was back at Loophead for the first time since he was five months of age
Clare residents are to be given a boost today, with the official launch of a new state-of-the-art facility for the care of a number of conditions in the Midwest
Finance Minister Michael Noonan will perform a sod-turning ceremony at Limerick Regional Hospital for the 13 million euro unit – the JP McManus Foundation is the main funding source for the project
Once completed the unit will provide diagnosis and care for breast cancer, stroke, neurological disease, skin disorders and cystic fibrosis patients
Marcella Clancy and Kenneth Flanagan of TLC4CF had a word ahead of the event.
Garda Niamh Browne of Ennis Garda Station appealed for the public’s assistance with information on crimes committed in the past week
Contact Ennis Garda Station on 065 68 48 100.
If drinking is a problem for you – help is at hand in a new guide by a recovered alcoholic turned recovery coach – Lisa Neumann
Based in California, Lisa is a life skills and recovery coach and is founder of Competency coaching – an agency working with individuals struggling to maintain sobriety
Her book is called Sober Identity – Tools for programming the addictive mind – and in it she tells those coping with addiction that in choosing to learn how to stop drinking – they can end their nightmare for good
John spoke with Lisa
Sober Identity – Tools for programming the addictive mind – by Lisa Neumann – available online from Amazon .com and Barnes and Noble online – further info on
The An Post Ras 2012 will arrive in Gort today and the town will host the teams tonight
This is the 60th event and this year’s route was planned by former Ras stage winner Stephen O’Sullivan, who plans to ride his 18th Ras this year
It began in Dunboyne, Co Meath yesterday and will finish in Skerries
Michael O’Grady of The Lady Gregory Hotel, Gort is one of the organisers- he spoke with John.
John Murphy of the Clare branch of Birdwatch Ireland joined John for his weekly slot where he answers listeners’bird and wildlife queries
Dr Allan Mee- Reintroduction Project Manager with the Golden Eagle Trust – spoke about what went wrong with the nesting attempts of two White Tailed Sea Eagles on an island on Lough Derg.
If you have a story, comment or query for the Morning Focus team email [email protected]