Morning Focus began with a welcome this week for news that planning for the M20 from Limerick to Cork has been reactivated and one million euro allocated towards that process. While the route was previously the subject of an oral hearing by An Bord Pleanála, the government withdrew the application before any planning decision, citing a lack of funds. It's now back on the government's agenda and while it's not on the five-year capital programme announced last year, there are hopes it might be added when that schedule is reviewed next year. FG's Joe Carey is among those who have made representations to the Department of Transport on the issue. Deputy Carey joined Gavin on the line.
Gavin then spoke about the idea that a staffless library initiative is to be made available in Ennis. The system means libraries will be able to stay open and to operate without staff during the evenings and weekends. The move has met mixed reactions with some librarians citing it as the end of 'public service libraries' and the trade union IMPACT set to ballot staff on industrial action. The government is assuring that they're be no job losses and no branch closures but Dublin City Councilors have rejected the idea and it's not been without controversy in countries were it's already well established In Denmark. 180 of the country's 450 facilities are staffless and known as 'open libraries'. Gavin was joined on the line by Niall Shanahan, Communications Officer with IMPACT.
It's probably fair to say we're a country that's used to performing well in international educational league tables. However, when it comes to how active our children area, we've just been scored a D. As bad as that sounds, we're actually up on our D minus performance in 2014. Research unveiled at an international conference in Thailand, ranked Ireland in the middle of 38 countries. Our grade for physical activity in children compares with Slovenia’s A-, New Zealand’s B-, and Scotland’s F. England and Wales had both scored a D-. Ten physical activity barometers were examined, including participation in organised sport, watching television, and walking to school. Dr Sarah Jane Belton, Lecturer in Physical Education, DCU & Republic of Ireland principle investigator for the Report Card.
Following up on this we had a preview of the Ballyea v Glen Rovers match in Munster SHC.
While we've heard a lot of talk lately about a recovery in the economy, the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) says it still expects to receive over 50,000 calls for help in the run-up to Christmas. The society’s launched its Annual Appeal this week (Wed.s, Nov. 16) to help fund the €35 million it distributes every year. John Cullinane from the St Vincent de Paul in Clare joined Gavin live in studio.
Next up we had our Arts Roundup with Siobhán Mulcahy, Clare County Arts Officer. Events this week were:
Friday – Kilshanny House & Ennis Gospel Choir
Saturday – Clare Youth Singing Cirlce
Thursday – Christy Hennessey Concert in Glór & Kenny’s Lahinch
Saturday – How to get published workshop
Sunday – Killaloe Craft Fair
Thursday – Shannon Craft Fair
Monday – Ballyvaughan – The Measure of a Man
Tuesday – Scariff – The Suffragette
Monday – Ennis Players Supper Theatre
Visual Arts
Exhibitions in Ennistymon
Following this we had our weekend roundup, goings on over the weekend were as follows:
Paddy Dunne, Chairperson of Lisdoonvarna Fáilte, came on the line to inform us that on Saturday, November 19, Lisdoonvarna Fáilte hosting 20k drop, contestants start with 20 thousand that is wagered on multiple answers in a quiz style show, money placed on wrong answers is lost for good, at Cois Céim Creche, Lisdoonvarna.
Nichola Shannon, Market Controller, called in to let us know that the Clarecastle Christmas Market takes place this weekend on Sat 19th and Sun November 20th at The Abbey Hall, Clare Castle.
And finally Mary Shannon called in to tell us about St Patrick’s Comprehensive, Shannon, 50th Anniversary. Events are in Shannon from Friday 18th – Sunday 20th. Friday – Concert with alumni. Saturday – Afternoon, photo exhibition. Evening, there’s a dinner with all former pupils. Sunday – Mass
Then we had our Friday Panel, guests this week were John Considine, Former Councilor, Hull City Council, Yorkshire, Sharon Cahir, Cahir and Company Solicitors and John Quinlivan, Former Shannon Development Regional Manager. Topics discussed this week were Public Sector pay rises/restoration, Ennis-Athenry rail line possible closure, Moves to reform schools admissions policies and is Christmas coming too early?
To finish the show we had some local Clare talent. A shining example of the raw talent that is available here in Clare is Síomha Brock. A neo-soul singer, songwriter and guitarist, Síomha left Ireland in 2014 to explore the major music cities of North America before settling in Vancouver, Canada where she spent her time writing and recording. Now she’s back home and had released her new single ‘Why Did We Fall in Love?’ She’s playing in Kenny’s in Lahinch on 30th November but we had her live in studio.