
Legendary Singer, Gaeilge & More

Dia diabh! Seachtain na gaeilge atá am and we're helping you out with the cúpla focial on Breakfast.

We had great fun last week with Les Miserables as gaeilge from Ballyea NS and an adventure with kids from Gaelscoil Mhíchíl Císóg Inis as they took part in an Fhéile Scoildrámaíochta. Click here to listen back.

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This week we'll be catching up with St Michael's Community Community College who have a big grá for gaeilge to learn a little more.

We'll also be heading to the Holy Family School who are marking 50 years with a community celebration this week. They've a big night on Thursday with plenty of music and fin with past and present students.

Mary Black is Ennis bound and I'm going to be checking in with the iconic singer ahead of the gig. I'm crafting my questions for the Quick Fire Quiz and if you've got a suggestion email [email protected].

With Spring moving in getting back in the garden is top of many of our lists. We can help makes life easier with a brand new strimmers worth €250 up for grabs thanks to U.S.Wholesales, Quin Road Business Park, Ennis. Tune in to find out how you can 'spring' into the draw …….(Sorry about the terrible pun!)

Tune in from 6am,

